What is Ideal Protein Diet?
The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method is a medically designed protocol containing 2 key components – weight loss and a healthier lifestyle education to assist you in maintaining your results after dieting. Our protocol has evolved for over 20 years, but was originally developed over 2 decades ago by Dr. Tran Tien Chanh who focused his career and research on nutrition with a particular emphasis on the treatment of obesity and obesity related issues.
This protocol is the recommended weight loss method in over 3,000 Professional Establishments worldwide.
Basically, the Ideal Protein Diet was designed to preserve lean body mass (muscles, bones, and tissues) while getting rid of fat. It limits the intake of carbohydrates and sugar, supplements the body with necessary electrolytes and vitamins, and teaches the body to live off its stored fat. This can be done by taking prepackaged protein food which is high-protein, low-fat, and low-carbohydrate, with healthy meals. Food options may include green leafy vegetables, lean protein, plus multi-vitamins, calcium-magnesium and calcium potassium.
Ideal Protein is available in the Philippines through Diana Stalder. One box of Ideal Protein provides you with a box of Ideal Protein Packets good for 1 week. They also have pre-packed food for breakfast, snacks, and dinner as well as supplements for your diet.
Plus, one on one coaching with Coach Dina, the owner of Diana Stalder. You can expect constant follow-ups and reminders from your coach, almost every hour, especially during the first week. Your coach will eventually ease up on the reminders once you get used to the diet routine. This is necessary because going on an Ideal Protein Diet requires following meal schedules, avoiding exercise and removing certain food items in your diet. This is how my schedule looks like:
7:30 am drink water with lemon
8:00 am Breakfast
10:00 am Snack
12:00 nn Lunch
3:00 pm Snack
6:00 pm Dinner
*Drink water every hour
**No food after 6pm
***No softdrinks, sugar, carbs, and rice
As you can see, the diet is both restrictive and flexible. Sugar is not allowed in this diet by I can use sweetening alternatives like Stevia. They also have meal options to choose from so I can still enjoy good food while losing weight. It is definitely different from the crash diets that I have seen where you have to go hungry before shedding pounds.