Everybody is into healthy living today. Every possible alternative has been tried to combat the harsh effects of the environment to our health, as well as, the bad effects of the food we eat, especially the processed foods that we love to eat, which, we all know, contain harmful ingredients.
Dina Stalder, the President and CEO of Diana Stalder, conceptualized a holistic skin care in a not so conventional way, but enticing to the health buffs. She considered this as holistic skin care because aside from the products they offer for skin, they likewise offer nutrition services for healthy skin. According to her, since skin problems are not just the effects of the harsh environment to the external parts of our body, which is the skin, likewise, skin problems occur as the result of some internal problems inside our body. And since, holistic skin care cannot be delivered in the four corners of a skin care clinic, she opened the ds Café.
Diana Stalder Face, Body, and Skincare Center sources the distinct premium formulations from Stalder Laboratories, an FDA-approved quality manufacturing facility, that is GMP-certified (Good Manufacturing Practice), and compliant to the ASEAN Harmonization for Cosmetic Regulations standards. It also distributes the same products to international markets, which includes the USA, UK, Europe, and Asia.
For the services, they offer a variety of skincare treatments (like Acne treatment, Laser Treatment for Sunspots and Spider Veins, Dermalift Facial Treatment and Casmara Shinestop Facial Treatment, among others) that address the needs of even the most delicate skin type, complemented by highly skilled therapists, to ensure delivery of desired treatment results. Read My Casmara ShineStop Experience.
In support of Diana Stalder’s campaign for holistic approach to skin care, they organized an event at Diana Stalder Gateway Branch.
The talk aimed to inform people of the importance of taking care of the skin not just from the outside, but more especially from the inside – a holistic approach. I’ve learned the various sources of skin care problems are mostly due to poor diet which leads to poor nourishment, eating unhealthy foods such as potato chips, donuts, and sweet cakes, can aggravate the occurrence of acne problems and Melasma. Aside from these skin problems they cause, junk foods can also speed up the aging process of our skin. The event also taught us on the proper juicing and the benefits we can gain from using organic products to combat the harsh effects of the food we eat and the environment to our skin, and the whole body, as well.
Ms. Eleanor Rivera, a vegetarian and healthy living advocate, as well as the owner of Healing Present and Wellness Center in Cebu, was also present in the event and she discussed the benefits of organic juices. ds Café is also set to include in its menu healthy products such as organic juice bar, in partnership with Healing Present and Wellness Center. This uses natures’ organic products to effectively detoxify and cleanse the body. These healing juices have already been proven to cure people suffering from various illnesses such as cancer and kidney diseases, as well as, eradicating the need for maintenance medications.
ds Cafe was developed to provide the patrons of Diana Stalder a new avenue for nutritional diet. It offers various healthy products that will provide the consumers a new way to holistic skin care. ds Café offers low calorie, skin-friendly foods made primarily of organic greens and protein-rich dishes such as rich in fiber brown rice, zesty healthy sandwiches, as well as, freshly made juices.
Diana Stalder’s ds Café also offers Ideal Protein (IP) Weight Loss Program. This is made up of combined methods of Ideal Protein Products from Canada and Miss Stalder’s personally developed diet regimen, which is composed of precisely measured alternative food sources that are personally made for each client’s needs so as to effectively lose those extra pounds in just a matter of days or weeks! This has proven to really work and as a result, clients call her “Coach Dina”.
Diana Stadler truly lives up to its promise of a better you. Clients will not only look great but feel great as well though this holistic approach.
For more information, please visit their website: https://www.dianastalder.com
or like their Official Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/dianastalderbydermaline
1 Comment
wish to visit Diana Stalder’s ds Café Mommy Iris!sakto im into diet na.. 😍