Our way of doing things has changed a lot during the pandemic. This includes the mode of education for our kids which has shifted online. But now that SY 2020-2021 is about to end, or has ended in the case of some schools, your kids will have some extra time in their hands. Now the question is, how can we make your kids’ spare time more productive? I found my answer at the Tutor’s Lounge.
My daughter Sam is still having her online classes for the current school year. These classes are held once a week only which I feel is not enough. As a parent, I would like to maximize her learning during the formative years despite the limitations of our pandemic situation. This is why I decided to enroll Sammy at the Tutor’s Lounge, an online learning hub for kids. They offer group and individual classes for academics, music, arts and crafts, etc. Programs or classes are designed for specific age groups, from kinder to junior high, and are handled by qualified tutors that have been carefully screened and trained.
We decided to enroll Sammy in voice lessons with a playgroup of 4 to 7-year-old kids. The voice class is held once a day for 20 sessions and only costs 1500 which is not bad at all. Sammy’s class is scheduled at 4 pm and I can tell that she was enjoying it because she keeps an eye on the clock to make sure she gets to class on time.
During the sessions, kids are taught about proper breathing, voice warm-up, and confidence-building. The class was handled by Teacher Flynn who got along really well with Sam. I think she was effective not just in teaching the technicalities of singing but also in making kids feel safe and comfortable in her class. Sammy wasn’t shy at all when performing in her class. I was also very happy to see my daughter sing with confidence.
For the month of May, we decided to try their academic classes. This time we went for reading and math classes with teacher Fe. Sammy enjoyed her classes with teacher Fe just as she did with teacher Flynn.
Classes were not boring at all because song and dance were also integrated to make learning fun and entertaining. As a parent, I appreciate the ability of these tutors to make kids feel comfortable in their classes and help them bloom. After seeing how they handle their classes with Sam, I now know where to go in case Sam struggles with any of her subjects in school.
Needless to say, I am quite happy with our experiences at the Tutor’s Lounge. In fact, I am planning to enroll Sam in voice classes again this June. But this time we are going on the intermediate level.
The Tutor’s Lounge has provided my daughter with a productive way to spend her idle time. I have seen her bloom with confidence and get excited to learn about math and reading. At Php1500 for 20 sessions, it’s definitely worth your time and money. Your kids can also get some dose of fun and learning from this lounge. Know more about them and their schedule of classes by clicking here.